Joachim Breitner

Farewall green cap

Published 2017-05-05 in sections English.

For the last two years, I was known among swing dancers for my green flat cap:

Monti, a better model than me

This cap was very special: It was a gift from a good friend who sewed it by hand from what used to be a table cloth of my deceased granny, and it has traveled with me to many corners of the world.

Just like last week, when I was in Paris where I attended the Charleston class of Romuald and Laura on Saturday (April 29). The following Tuesday I went to a Swing Social and wanted to put on the hat, and noticed that it was gone. The next day I bugged the manager and the caretaker of the venue of the class (Salles Sainte-Roche), and it seems that the hat was still there, that morning, im Salle Kurtz1, but when I went there it was gone.

And that is sad.

The last picture with the hat

  1. How fitting, given that my granny’s maiden name is Kurz.↩︎


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