Joachim Breitner's Homepage
Diploma Thesis Finished
Earlier today, I went to a local copy shop and had my diploma thesis printed. This afternoon, I will hand it in. The title is “Loop subgroups of Fr and the images of their stabilizer subgroups in GLr(ℤ)” and discusses a group-theoretical result. I assume that very few readers care about the content of the thesis, but maybe some are interested in a few assorted LaTeX hints. I’m also publishing the full TeX source code, maybe someone can make use of it.
Less chatty varioref
I’m using the varioref
package, in conjunction with the cleveref
package. This provides a command \vref{fig:S3S4l}
which will expand to, for example, to “Figure 1 on page 11”. But if the referenced figure is actually on the current page, the next page, the previous page or the facing page (in two-side layouts), it will say so: “Figure 1 on this page.”
This is very nice, but I assume that the reader of my thesis is able to find Figure 1 when it is visible, i.e. on the current or facing page. One can remove the referencing texts with the commands \def\reftextfaceafter{}
, \def\reftextfacebefore{}
and \def\reftextcurrent{}
. But because varioref
puts a space between “Figure 1” and this text, we will get a superfluous space – even before punctuation.
The remedy is the command \unskip
, which removes this space again. So I use in my preamble:
\def\reftextfaceafter {\unskip}% \def\reftextfacebefore{\unskip}% \def\reftextcurrent {\unskip}%
Palatino and extra leading
I chose the Palatino font for my thesis, using the mathpazo
package. Various sources (such as the KOMA-Script manual) suggest to use 5% extra leading:
Counting figures independently from chapters
I don’t have too many figures and tables in my thesis, and I want them to be numbered simple 1, 2, ... By default, LaTeX would say 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, ... This can be fixed using the remreset
package and these commands:
\makeatletter \@removefromreset{figure}{chapter} \renewcommand{\thefigure}{\arabic{figure}} \@removefromreset{table}{chapter} \renewcommand{\thetable}{\arabic{table}} \makeatother
No widows and club lines
LaTeX already avoids these, but I wanted to get rid of them completely. This can be done with:
% Disable single lines at the start of a paragraph (Schusterjungen) \clubpenalty = 10000 % Disable single lines at the end of a paragraph (Hurenkinder) \widowpenalty = 10000 \displaywidowpenalty = 1000
Struck table lines
I had to typeset tables with some lines struck, and I could not find a ready command for that. I used the following definition, based on the code for \hline
. Note that it probably does not adjust well to other font sizes and needs to be adjusted manually:
\makeatletter \def\stline{% \noalign{\vskip-.7em\vskip-\arrayrulewidth\hrule \@height \arrayrulewidth\vskip.7em}} \makeatother
Title page in one-sided layout
According to the KOMA manual, the title page as set by LaTeX is not meant to be the cover of a publication, and therefore has to be set with the margins of a right page – i.e. a larger right margin and a smaller left margin. But when printing cheaply, one often just put a transparent sheet on top of the print, so the title page is the cover. You can convince KOMA that you are right by using
\KOMAoptions{twoside=false} \begin{titlepage} ... \end{titlepage} \KOMAoptions{twoside=true}
Not flushing the page for chapter heads
LaTeX would put the list of algorithms on a new right page. I found this a waste of paper for my few algorithms, and preferred to put the list right after the table of contents. You can override the LaTeX behavior using:
\tableofcontents { \let\cleardoublepage\relax % book \let\clearpage\relax % report \let\chapter\section \listofalgorithms }
This code also reduces the size of the heading to that of a section. The same trick also works with \chapter
Math in headings vs. PDF bookmarks
LaTeX with the hyperref
package creates nice PDF bookmarks from your chapter and section titles. Unfortunately, PDF bookmark names can only be plain strings, while the titles in the document might contain some math symbols. You can make both happy with \texorpdfstring
\section{Stabilizer subgroups in \texorpdfstring{$\GL_r(\Z/2\Z)$}{GL\_r(Z/2Z)}}
Setting lines for the signature
The diploma thesis contains a small note which I have to sign, saying that I created it on my own etc. Below that, I put two labeled lines for date and signature, using the tabbing environment:
\begin{tabbing} \rule{4cm}{.4pt}\hspace{1cm} \= \rule{7cm}{.4pt} \\ Ort, Datum \> Unterschrift \end{tabbing}
Bin letzte Woche auch mit meiner DA fertig geworden und hab drei Sachen auch genauso wie du angewandt (unabhängiger Zähler, widows+orphants, die \let Sachen).
Das es sowas wie varioref gibt hätte ich vorher wissen sollen, das hat mir gefehlt. Danke aber für den Hinweis :)
Have something to say? You can post a comment by sending an e-Mail to me at <>, and I will include it here.