Joachim Breitner's Homepage
screen-message now in an online version
Folllowing an idea by Kai Hendry, I re-implemented my Linux application screen-message, which does nothing but display a piece of text that you enter as large as possible, in HTML. So whenever you are in need of screen-message, but don’t have it installed at the moment, put your browser into fullscreen mode, go to
and type away.
I only tested it with the web browser galeon, so I expect it to work with Firefox and related browsers. If it does not work with Internet Explorer, I can’t help it – but patches are welcome. The file is stored in the screen-message Darcs repository at
PS: If anyone wants to donate a shorter domain for this, you are welcome. But I guess all good domains with “sm” in them are taken...
Love it!
A suggestion: how about making the entire page "overflow: hidden" so scrollbars stop appearing and disappearing?
Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091123 Iceweasel/3.5.5 (like Firefox/3.5.5; Debian-3.5.5-1)
Pah! the original sm is better :D
The clipping became more prominent the more characters I typed, beginning with only the descenders (y,g,q, etc) and eventually clipping all but the tops of the letters.
Work around was to type a newline at the end.
I just sent the record setting request, should be available in a short while.
Original sm is 1246 lines of code.
The Web version is 114 lines.
It's also far easier to read and run the source on the Web.
I hope developers think twice about writing a gtk GUI app. :P
Thank you Joachim,
Could you consider putting the page/script under an Open-Source license?
Thanks you.
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