├── AEnv.thy
├── AList-Utils-HOLCF.thy
├── AList-Utils-Nominal.thy
├── AList-Utils.thy
├── Abstract-Denotational-Props.thy
├── AbstractDenotational.thy
├── AbstractTransform.thy
├── Adequacy.thy
├── AnalBinds.thy
├── Arity-Nominal.thy
├── Arity.thy
├── ArityAnalysisAbinds.thy
├── ArityAnalysisCorrDenotational.thy
├── ArityAnalysisFix.thy
├── ArityAnalysisFixProps.thy
├── ArityAnalysisSig.thy
├── ArityAnalysisSpec.thy
├── ArityAnalysisStack.thy
├── ArityConsistent.thy
├── ArityEtaExpansion.thy
├── ArityEtaExpansionSafe.thy
├── ArityStack.thy
├── ArityTransform.thy
├── ArityTransformSafe.thy
├── BalancedTraces.thy
├── C-Meet.thy
├── C-restr.thy
├── C.thy
├── CValue-Nominal.thy
├── CValue.thy
├── CallArityEnd2End.thy
├── CallArityEnd2EndSafe.thy
├── CardArityTransformSafe.thy
├── Cardinality-Domain-Lists.thy
├── Cardinality-Domain.thy
├── CardinalityAnalysisSig.thy
├── CardinalityAnalysisSpec.thy
├── CoCallAnalysisBinds.thy
├── CoCallAnalysisImpl.thy
├── CoCallAnalysisSig.thy
├── CoCallAnalysisSpec.thy
├── CoCallAritySig.thy
├── CoCallFix.thy
├── CoCallGraph-Nominal.thy
├── CoCallGraph-TTree.thy
├── CoCallGraph.thy
├── CoCallImplSafe.thy
├── CoCallImplTTree.thy
├── CoCallImplTTreeSafe.thy
├── Coinductive
├── ConstOn.thy
├── CorrectnessOriginal.thy
├── CorrectnessResourced.thy
├── Denotational-Related.thy
├── Denotational.thy
├── Env-HOLCF.thy
├── Env-Nominal.thy
├── Env-Set-Cpo.thy
├── Env.thy
├── EtaExpansion.thy
├── EtaExpansionSafe.thy
├── EvalHeap.thy
├── EverythingAdequacy.thy
├── HOLCF-Join-Classes.thy
├── HOLCF-Join.thy
├── HOLCF-Meet.thy
├── HOLCF-Utils.thy
├── HasESem.thy
├── HeapSemantics.thy
├── ITree.thy
├── Iterative.thy
├── LTree.thy
├── Launchbury.thy
├── List-Interleavings.thy
├── Mono-Nat-Fun.thy
├── NoCardinalityAnalysis.thy
├── Nominal-HOLCF.thy
├── Nominal-Utils.thy
├── Nominal2
├── Pointwise.thy
├── ResourcedAdequacy.thy
├── ResourcedDenotational.thy
├── Sestoft.thy
├── SestoftConf.thy
├── SestoftCorrect.thy
├── SestoftGC.thy
├── Set-Cpo.thy
├── Substitution.thy
├── TTree-HOLCF.thy
├── TTree.thy
├── TTreeAnalysisSig.thy
├── TTreeAnalysisSpec.thy
├── TTreeImplCardinality.thy
├── TTreeImplCardinalitySafe.thy
├── Terms.thy
├── TransformTools.thy
├── TrivialArityAnal.thy
├── Value-Nominal.thy
├── Value.thy
├── ValueSimilarity.thy
├── Vars.thy
├── document
└── index.html
4 directories, 100 files
tree v2.1.1 © 1996 - 2023 by Steve Baker and Thomas Moore
HTML output hacked and copyleft © 1998 by Francesc Rocher
JSON output hacked and copyleft © 2014 by Florian Sesser
Charsets / OS/2 support © 2001 by Kyosuke Tokoro