Joachim Breitner

A Candid explainer: Safe higher-order upgrades

Published 2021-08-30 in sections English, Internet Computer.

This is the second post in a series about the interface description language Candid.

Safe upgrades

A central idea behind Candid is that services evolve over time, and so also their interfaces evolve. As they do, it is desirable to keep the interface usable by clients who have not been updated. In particular on a blockchainy platform like the Internet Computer, where some programs are immutable and cannot be changed to accommodate changes in the interface of the services they use, this is of importance.

Therefore, Candid defines which changes to an interface are guaranteed to be backward compatible. Of course it’s compatible to add new methods to a service, but some changes to a method signature can also be ok. For example, changing

service A1 : {
  get_value : (variant { current; previous : nat })
    -> (record { value : int; last_change : nat })


service A2 : {
  get_value : (variant { current; previous : nat; default })
    -> (record { value : int; last_change : nat; committed : bool })

is fine: It doesn’t matter that clients that still use the old interface don’t know about the new constructor of the argument variant. And the extra field in the result record will silently be ignored by old clients.

In the Candid spec, this relation is written as A2 <: A1 (note the order!), and the formal footing this builds on is subtyping. We thus say that “it is safe to upgrade a service to a subtype”, and that A2’s interface is a subtype of A1’s.

In small examples, I often use nat and int, because every nat is also a int, but some int values are not not nat values, namely the negative ones. We say nat is a subtype of int, nat <: int. So a function that in the first returns a int can in the new version return a nat without breaking old clients. But the other direction doesn’t work: If the old version’s method had a return type of nat, then changing that to int would be a breaking change, as old clients would not be prepared to handle negative numbers.

Note that arguments of function types follow different rules. In fact, the rules are simply turned around, and in argument position (also called “negative position”), we can evolve the interface to accept supertypes. Concretely, a function that originally expected an nat can be changed to expect an int, but the other direction doesn’t work, because there might still be old clients around that send negative numbers. This reversing-of-the-rules is called contravariance.

The vision is that the developer’s tooling will warn the developer before they upgrade the code of a running service to a type that is not a subtype of the old interface.

Let me stress, though, that all this is about not breaking existing clients that use the old interface. It does not mean that a client developer who fetches the new interface for your service won’t have to change their code to make his programs compile again.

Higher order composition

So far, we considered the simple case of one service with a bunch of clients, i.e. the “first order” situation. Things get much more interesting if we have multiple services that are composed, and that pass around references to each other, and we still want everything to be nicely typed and never fail even as we upgrade services.

Therefore, Candid’s type system can express that a service’s method expects or a returns a reference to another service or method, and the type that this service or method should have. For example

service B : { add_listener : (text, func (int) -> ()) -> () }

says that the service with interface B has a method called add_listener which takes two arguments, a plain value of type text and a reference to a function that itself expects a int-typed argument.

The contravariance of the subtyping rules explained above also applies to the types of these function reference. And because the int in the above type is on the left of two function arrows, the subtyping rule direction flips twice, and it is therefore safe to upgrade the service to accept the following interface:

service B : { add_listener : (text, func (nat) -> ()) -> () }

Soundness theorem and Coq proof

The combination of these higher order features and the safe upgrade mechanism is maybe the unique selling point of Candid, but also what made its design quite tricky sometimes. And although the conventional subtyping rules work well, we wanted to do some less conventional things (more on that below), and more than once thought we had a good solution, only to notice that it did not hold water in complicated higher-order cases.

But what does it mean to hold water? I felt the need to precisely define a soundness criteria for higher order interface description languages, which you can find in the document An IDL Soundness Proposition. This is a general framework which you can instantiate with your concrete IDL language and rules, and then it tells you what you have to prove to consider your language to be sound. Intuitively, it simulates all possible ways in which services can be defined and upgraded, and in which they can pass around references to each other, and the soundness property is that then that for all messages sent between services, they can always be understood.

The document also shows, in general, that any system that builds on “canonical subtyping” in sound, as expected. That is still a generic theorem that you can instantiate with a concrete system, but now there is less to do.

Because these proofs can get tricky in corner cases, it is valuable to mechanize them in an interactive theorem prover and have the computer check the proofs. So I have created a Coq formalization that defines the soundness criteria, including the reduction to canonical subtyping. It also defines MiniCandid, a greatly simplified variant of Candid, proves various properties about it (transitivity etc.) and finally instantiates the soundness theorem.

I am particularly fond of the use of coinduction to model the equirecursive types, and the use of named cases, as we know them from Isabelle, to make the proofs a bit more readable and maintainable.

I am less fond of how much work it seems to be to extend MiniCandid with more of Candid’s types. Already adding vec was more work than it’s worth it, and I defensively blame Coq’s not-so-great support for nested recursion.

The soundness relies on subtyping, and that is all fine and well as long as we stick to canonical rules. Unfortunately, practical considerations force us to deviate from these a bit, as we see in the next post of this series.


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